Famous Indian Astrology
Looking for famous indian astrology expert? Do indian vedic astrology is more accurate then western astrology? Read this article and get guidance
Is Vedic Astrology More Accurate Than Western Astrology?
Now that you’ve worked out your Big Three (sun, moon, and rising sign, of course), what if we told you that there isn’t just one type of astrology? Modern Western astrology, popularized by horoscopes and meme reports, is only one dialect in a huge astrological landscape. Perhaps you’ve heard of Vedic astrology—a buddy stated that there’s an famous Indian astrology that makes you “an Aquarius instead of a Pisces.” But what distinguishes Vedic astrology from Western astrology? Is it more precise? Is it true that you are more Aquarius than Pisces? What does it all mean? We performed all of the effort so you didn’t have to.
So, What Exactly Is Vedic Astrology?
To understand what Vedic astrology is, one must first see a Vedic astrologer. So we looked into the work of VedAbhishek, a long-time consultant on the topic. According to her book, Essentials of Vedic Astrology, the label “Vedic astrology” stems from the system’s association with the West, yet the technique is known as Jyotish in India. “Jyotish can be interpreted as ‘the study of light’ or ‘the knowledge of the skies,'” adds Sutton. Light dispels darkness, and knowledge dispels ignorance.”
Unlike Western mainstream astrology, which focuses solely on “What’s your sign?” (owing to the abundance of sun sign horoscopes in recent times), Vedic astrology focuses on the planets, stars, and their connection to the horizon. Its foundation, like those of other kinds of old or traditional astrology, is what we see in the sky. Light is crucial to astrology! Because, as Sutton adds, “there is no life without light.”
Let’s Talk About History Of Vedic Astrology
Though there is no certain date for the origin of Vedic astrology, it has been performed since sometime between 5000 and 10,000 BC. Jyotish is based on the Vedas, the earliest Sanskrit books that underlie Hindu religion and philosophy. Veda literally means “knowledge,” and it is believed that these books hold the essential wisdom of our human life.
Other kinds of astrology have beginnings as ancient as Jyotish, but due to religious power conflicts, notably the development of Christianity in the West, they have not been practiced continuously as a tradition as Vedic astrology has. In India, Jyotish is part of a lifetime study and spiritual devotion. Before taking on customers and delivering counsel, jyotishis (as Vedic astrologers are known) spend years absorbed in both technical and spiritual practice.
What Is the Difference Between Vedic and Western Astrology?
Vedic astrology maintains a baseline that is spirituality that is mainly lacking from mainstream Western astrological techniques, as evidenced by its roots in ancient religious writings. Vedic astrology is neither a personality test or an armchair psychoanalysis; rather, it establishes instructions for living life with spirit and meaning. The four pillars or purposes indicated by a birth chart in Vedic Astrology are as follows:
- Dharma: How you fulfill your spirit via your everyday actions; what your life’s mission is
- Artha: How you earn money and satisfy your basic necessities
- Kama: How you pursue your desires
- Moksha (enlightenment): How can you obtain enlightenment or soul liberation?
The zodiac system is the other main distinction (and the most discussed) between Vedic and Western astrology. The tropical zodiac, which is focused on the seasons and the Earth’s connection to the sun, is used in Western astrology. In the tropical zodiac, the Spring Equinox is always the first day of Aries Season. Vedic astrology employs the sidereal zodiac, which positions the planets against a backdrop of stars (Sidereal means stars).
The stars and constellations do not remain in a fixed place due to the Earth’s tilt and erratic orbit. Every 72 years, each fixed star travels one zodiacal degree. The sidereal zodiac accounts for this movement through a correction method known as ayanamsas, but the tropical system does not. As a result, your sun sign in Vedic astrology may differ from the one you recognize in Western astrology.
How You Can Know You Vedic Sign?
When calculating charts, the sidereal zodiac takes the precession of the Equinox into account, causing the borders of each sign to be constantly in motion (though again, it takes most of a century for a star to move 1 degree). The two zodiacs merged circa 285 AD, however there is presently a 23-degree discrepancy between a planet’s location in the tropical and sidereal hemispheres. The following are the current estimated dates for each sun sign:
- Aries: Mesha (April 13–May 14)
- Taurus: Vrishaba (May 15–June 14)
- Gemini: Mithuna (June 15–July 14)
- Cancer: Karkata (July 15–August 14)
- Leo: Simha (August 15–September 15)
- Virgo: Kanya (September 16–October 15)
- Libra: Tula (October 16–November 14)
- Scorpio: Vrishchika (November 15–December 14)
- Sagittarius: Dhanus (December 15–January 13)
- Capricorn: Makara (January 14–February 11)
- Aquarius: Kumbha (February 12–March 12)
- Pisces: Meena (March 13–April 12)
Does Vedic Astrology Has More Accuracy
We realize that Vedic astrology adjusts the signs for precession, but Western astrology always preserves every sign at the same time of year. However, this does not imply that Western astrology is “not genuine” or that Vedic astrology is “more accurate.” Because, as we all know, astrology is all about the location of the planets in the sky, not the signs. Astronomically, neither the tropical nor the sidereal zodiacs are correct. The constellations do not form a full 360o circle in the sky, and astrology accounts for the majority (but not all) of the constellations closest to the ecliptic (despite the reports, there is no 13th sign called Ophiuchus).
The tropical zodiac is more indicative of our material culture and civilization since it is linked to the seasons and the sun’s rising to summer and descend to winter throughout the year. The sun represents our ego and tends to take precedence over everything else. Because the sidereal zodiac corresponds to the stars and the larger cosmic backdrop, it is more indicative of our soul’s journey and spiritual path. Neither is more right than the other, and both can give insightful information.
- Dharma: How you fulfill your spirit via your everyday actions; what your life’s mission is
- Artha: How you earn money and satisfy your basic necessities
- Kama: How you pursue your desires
- Moksha (enlightenment): How can you obtain enlightenment or soul liberation?
The zodiac system is the other main distinction (and the most discussed) between Vedic and Western astrology. The tropical zodiac, which is focused on the seasons and the Earth’s connection to the sun, is used in Western astrology. In the tropical zodiac, the Spring Equinox is always the first day of Aries Season. Vedic astrology employs the sidereal zodiac, which positions the planets against a backdrop of stars (Sidereal means stars).
The stars and constellations do not remain in a fixed place due to the Earth’s tilt and erratic orbit. Every 72 years, each fixed star travels one zodiacal degree. The sidereal zodiac accounts for this movement through a correction method known as ayanamsas, but the tropical system does not. As a result, your sun sign in Vedic astrology may differ from the one you recognize in Western astrology.
Wrapping Up
If you are looking for famous astrologers who can give you a guidence tn navigate your life? Well, you don’t need many, you need only one that is VedAbhishek from Karma Story who will guide you through your past and even future as well.
Hiring an astrologer for the celebration
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